Presentation Skills Training in London

Business Presentation Skills Training and Coaching for London based businesses

The Best Presentation Skills Training For Your Company In London

Helping technical experts in the largest companies in the world, like Amazon, senior financial executives in blue-chip multi-nationals like Northern Trust, leadership teams in UK top-tier corporates, middle management in large to medium-sized British businesses, and teams from all sorts of SMEs means we see more business presentations in a year than most people do in ten years, or a lifetime.

We know what makes a good presenter, and what makes a good business presentation. We can help anyone in your company improve their confidence, credibility and impact, but don’t take our word for it, skim some of the feedback we have received this year from London business clients on the right of this page. Go on, have a quick look!

We hope you’ll agree it’s quite impressive but more than that we hope it gives you the peace of mind that we know our business, and can help your business transform your people’s business presentations. We have experience in most industry sectors from finance, property and construction, to technology, pharmaceutical and food, and lots in between.

London demands the best, and as the UK’s business presentation skills experts secondnature offers you the best, indeed world-class, skills training and coaching. We’re not experts at everything though, business presentation skills training is the only thing we do. We are specialists, and that’s why we can give you the best. We do nothing else. And we’ll do our very best for you!

Presentation Skills Training in London


Instantly Effective In-house Business Presentation Skills Training that lasts!

Business today is high stakes, complex, competitive and fast.

To succeed, business executives at all levels need to respond to these challenges. They need to be confident– to command the attention of others. They need to be persuasive – to sell their message to internal and external audiences. And they need to be credible – to influence business outcomes.

secondnature’s specialist business presentation skills training and coaching programmes help your people meet all these challenges and are the most experiential, results-driven workshops available today.

Trusted by the most demanding blue-chip organisations, our hands-on programmes provide executives with relevant, practical and real-world skills which can be applied immediately back in the workplace, becoming second nature and having a lasting impact on all presentations to come.

We want to make learning make a difference – for you, for your people and for your organisation.

Do You Think Your People Could Give Better Business Presentations?

To help you make that decision we find it helps to consider these simple questions:

  • Do your people sometimes suffer from presentation nerves or a lack of confidence?
  • Do they come across as unprepared?
  • Do they lack conviction in their argument/recommendation?
  • Do they bore, confuse or disconnect the audience (ramble, waffle, lose track)?
  • Do they have unclear, illogical, overly long, data-dump style presentations?
  • Do they not make enough impact when delivering high-stakes presentations or pitches?
  • Do they miss out on sales opportunities because of unconvincing presentations?
  • Do they lack presence, authority or the ability to command respect in front of people who matter?

You’ll be pleased to know that our business presentation skills courses address all these symptoms.

Our in-house, high-intensity, highly interactive ‘boardroom workshops’ are delivered at your offices anywhere across London, and they’re tailored to your business and personalised to your people (at no extra cost).


What Type Of Business Presentation Skills Training Are You Looking For In London?

We offer in-house GroupNew BusinessConference Speaking and 1-to-1 courses. See below for more.

Group Presentation Skills Training

Our group presentation skills workshops deliver breakthrough results in a short period of time. We offer different formats, durations and levels of courses suitable for groups of 3-50 people.  With an experiential focus, they involve lots of practise and more video-recorded practise plus individual feedback and guidance (within the group workshop) than any other provider we know of in the UK. Click on the links below to find out a bit more about secondnature running a group presentation skills training programme for your company in your London offices – and to download a one-page overview:

New Business Development And Pitch Presenting

Winning new business is the lifeblood of many companies, especially in the ultra-competitive London market. We can help your team improve their win rate with our results-focused new business pitch presentation programme. Find out more at the link below:

Presenting For Conferences And Events

Whether a senior leader or a technical subject matter expert has an upcoming conference speech, keynote address, or a presentation at a large company event, we can help your presenter(s) build your brand’s reputation. Our conference presenting programme strives to get them the applause they deserve when they’ve given the best presentation they can. Click below to find out more:

1-to-1 Presentation Skills Coaching

At secondnature, we think it’s obvious that individual coaching should be personalised and individual! We believe that you don’t have to change who you are to become the presenter you want to be. So, we help individual’s work with their own characteristics and personality to bring out the best presenting style for them. Click on the links below to find out a bit more about how we can help your people in London:

The Best Presentation Skills Training In London

The Best Presentation Skills Training In London

Presentation skills development is one of the best investments a company can make in their greatest asset – their people. Let secondnature help you generate an exceptional return on investment from your training budget by providing your people with skills and knowledge they’ll retain and use throughout their careers, and for life. Get in touch with us today for a programme for your London office, or in any of your offices UK-wide.

Enquire Today On +44 (0) 330 113 6222

A total commitment to quality, service, your people and you.

Who Our Clients Are

Here’s just a few, so you know you’re in good company!

This programme is a game-changer...

“This program is a game-changer, the best and most useful training I ever had, with lots of practical and very personalised tips. Belinda is wonderful, she fully adapts to the needs of the team..."

Present Online With Confidence

The course is very complete...

“The course is very complete and focuses a lot on practice through real examples. One of the best trainings we ever had in the company.“

Present Online With Confidence

Loved it!

“Loved it! Genuinely one of the most useful things I've done in years“

Presenting for Applause


“Fantastic. You’d never think presentation training would be A) so fun and B) so anxiety-free. Absolutely Loved it."

Present With Confidence

See your performance grow...

"If you want to see your performance grow from Z to A in 2 days, and see the kind of presenter you can be, this is the thing!"

Present to Persuade and Influence

By far the best...

"By far the best and most useful programme I have been a part of. Excellent stuff."

Presentation Skills Masterclass

Skills and confidence...

"I have done other presentation courses before, but this is the one that has finally given me the skills and confidence required to master delivering a top class presentation."

Presentation Skills Masterclass


"Transformed how I present in a way I’ve been trying to learn for years."

Pitch to Win

Personal learning experience...

"I haven’t ever had such a personal learning experience in this type of training course and I really feel like I have been transformed with so many practical points to take away and use every day in my role."

Pitch to Win

It’s a great course

"It’s a great course — everything in it that Belinda covered was relevant. Whether it's how to grab attention of your audience to ensuring we have a defined and valid roadmap to follow, highlighting the most pertinent points of persuasion and respective proof points."

Pitch to Win

Zero to hero...

"Zero to hero presenting."

Presentation Skills Masterclass

Impress your audience...

"If you want to stop stressing about delivering presentations, and you want to impress your audience with confidence, then go on this course!"

Present to Persuade and Influence


And if you like you can filter by industry…

Our Global Presence

(as of Sept 2024)


... in businesses around the world presenting with skills that have become second nature to them.


...delivered to businesses around the world in-person, online and blended.


... around the world which now benefit from better presentations.


... around the world where business people have presentation skills that are now second nature.
