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The 5-Day MBA in HR

July 19-23, 2020 | Premier Inn London Victoria hotel

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Event Summary

Human Resources has earned its place at the top of the organisation as it is now recognised as a strategic source of competitive advantage and as a predictor of future business performance. In order to justify this position, HR specialists need to develop a very different set of skills and competencies. This intensive Mercury Training Center, The 5-Day MBA in HR training course examines how to develop and master the key areas of Human Resource Management (HRM) as HR is changes beyond recognition from the days of the old Personnel Departments. This exciting and interactive seminar will bring you up to date on the latest techniques and approaches that are appropriate in the effective management of Human Resources.

For more information visit the organiser's website:

Visit Organiser Website
Please note!

SecondNature do not run this event.

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