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Gartner ReimagineHR Conference 2024

September 17-18, 2024 | ExCeL London

  • This event has passed.

Event Summary

Through the extreme disruption of the past three years, organizations showed remarkable innovation and experimentation. HR led the way in transforming work models, boosting accountability for employee well-being and equity, and expanding the boundaries of what leaders previously thought their people, systems and technologies could achieve.

How can HR leaders build a new, sustainable path forward to extraordinary talent impact without the extraordinary circumstances of recent years?

At Gartner ReimagineHR Conference 2023, we explored emerging ideas and actionable insights on how HR leaders can harness and direct this creative momentum to unlock new dimensions of human performance.

The program for the 2024 ReimagineHR Conference is underway and we look forward to sharing details soon! Join a community of global HR leaders from progressive organizations across all industries at the Gartner ReimagineHR Conference 2024.

For more information visit the organiser's website:

Visit Organiser Website
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SecondNature do not run this event.

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